Notebooks as code

The percent format

The percent format is a representation of Jupyter notebooks as scripts, in which all cells are explicitly delimited with a commented double percent sign # %%. The percent format is currently available for these languages.

The format was introduced by Spyder in 2013, and is now supported by many editors, including

Our implementation of the percent format is as follows: cells can have

  • a title

  • a cell type (markdown, md or raw, omitted for code cells)

  • and cell metadata like in this example:

# %% Optional title [cell type] key="value"

In the percent format, our previous example becomes:

# %% [markdown]
# This is a multiline
# Markdown cell

# %% [markdown]
# Another Markdown cell

# %%
# This is a code cell
class A():
    def one():
        return 1

    def two():
        return 2

In the case of Python scripts, Markdown cells do accept multiline comments:

# %% [markdown]
This is a Markdown cell
that uses multiline comments

By default Jupytext will use line comments when it converts your Jupyter notebooks for percent scripts. If you prefer to use multiline comments for all text cells, add a {"jupytext": {"cell_markers": "\"\"\""}} metadata to your notebook, either with the notebook metadata editor in Jupyter, or at the command line:

jupytext --update-metadata '{"jupytext": {"cell_markers": "\"\"\""}}' notebook.ipynb --to py:percent

If you want to use multiline comments for all your paired notebooks, you could also add

cell_markers = '"""'

to your jupytext.toml configuration file.

See how our World population.ipynb notebook is represented in the percent format.

The hydrogen format

By default, Jupyter magics are commented in the percent representation. If you run the percent scripts in Hydrogen, use the hydrogen format, a variant of the percent format that does not comment Jupyter magic commands.

The light format

The light format was introduced by Jupytext. That format can represent any script in one of these languages as a Jupyter notebook.

When a script in the light format is converted to a notebook, Jupytext code paragraphs are turned into code cells, and comments that are not adjacent to code are converted to Markdown cells. Cell breaks occurs on blank lines outside of functions, classes or multiline comments.

For instance, in this example we have three cells:

# This is a multiline
# Markdown cell

# Another Markdown cell

# This is a code cell
class A():
    def one():
        return 1

    def two():
        return 2

Code cells can contain multiple code paragraphs. In that case Jupytext uses an explicit start-of-cell delimiter that is, by default, # + (// + in C++, etc). The default end of cell delimiter is # -, and can be omitted when followed by another explicit start of cell marker, or the end of the file:

# +
# A single code cell made of two paragraphs
a = 1

def f(x):
    return x+a

Metadata can be associated to a given cell using a key/value representation:

# + key="value"
# A code cell with metadata

# + [markdown] key="value"
# A Markdown cell with metadata

The light format can use custom cell markers instead of # + or # -. If you prefer to mark cells with VS Code/PyCharm (resp. Vim) folding markers, set "cell_markers": "region,endregion" (resp. "{{{,}}}") in the jupytext section of the notebook metadata. If you want to configure this as a global default, add either

cell_markers = "region,endregion"  # Use VS Code/PyCharm region folding delimiters


cell_markers = "{{{,}}}"           # Use Vim region folding delimiters

to your jupytext.toml configuration file.

See how our World population.ipynb notebook is represented in that format.

The nomarker format

The nomarker format is a variation of the light format with no cell marker at all. Please note that this format does not provide round-trip consistency - code cells are split on code paragraphs. By default, the nomarker format still includes a YAML header - if you prefer to also remove the header, set "notebook_metadata_filter": "-all" in the jupytext section of your notebook metadata.